Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The secret life of Ben + Music

So I went to this show the other day to see the band Ladyhawke. It was free which was an added bonus because there were other bands playing that we had to sit through. Well there was a band playing after ladyhawke and so Jeff said that we should just wait to see what they are like, it was free so what the heck. Well the last band was Semi Precious Weapons. Tell me who you think that guy looks like. I couldn't believe it. Here are some from the show that I took but you can't see it as well. He had a totally sweet outfit on as well. It was kind of like he was in drag but not all of the way. The band was really hardcore though. I couldn't figure it out. They were really entertaining to watch.

Oh one more thing. Some guy threw ice on the lead singer and he got so mad. He hit the guy on the head with the mic and then was acting like he wanted to fight the guy. Overall a good time.

Ok so here is some music that is overdue. The first is the new Regina Spektor. It is pretty good. Classic Regina. The other is a band called Say Hi. I really love this one alot. I come back to it at times because it draws me in. Ok I have the say that the last one if one of favorite albums ever. Every time I listen to it I love it more and more. It is by the band Elbow. Wow it is just genius. I do hope you like it. Well I hope you like all of them.
I still need to post some pics of when I was up there. It was good times and I am really glad we got to hang out. So I still haven't found a job and am not doing much doing the days. There are not too many days left of good bike riding, which is sad. There is just nothing like going on a long ride and listening to music. Man I feel so good when I do that. It makes me happy. I think that is all. What are you up to? You need to post stuff.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My totally awesome scoot

I just realized that I haven't even posted pics of my scootie yet. That is really sad. So ok here you go.