Friday, February 20, 2009


Kim, last night Shannon and I stayed up super... SUPER late because we were trying to find this comedian that her co-workers told her about. And when we found him it was the BEST NIGHT EVER!! So you and Jeff should look at this and tell me what you guys think... Oh, and remember that one time we laughed and laughed at Kristin Wigg when she was the "special" sister... and how funny that was? Well, the next friday I met with a social worker to talk about a group she runs and she had the same arms! Like seriously when I saw the social worker, I saw Kristin Wigg and the doll arms and how she was popping the bubbles and realized that that skit will never be funny to me again. :(

Ok, well, I'm at Brandon's right now and he is making us some Ahi Poki... SO DELICIOUS! Oh, and here's an update...
*I like sushi now! For reals crave it! That's what dating an Asian will do!

So, I should go now. He's slaving away in the kitchen and I'm just sitting here. MWA-HAHAHAHA!

Can't wait to hear back from you!


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