Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to


This is the first day of the rest of you non job life. I was going to say working but you will definitely be working. It is amazing how the days will go by without even thinking when you have been nursing and putting a baby to sleep all day. Plus just sitting there and staring at her cuteness. There will be a lot of this pretty soon....

Well maybe not as cute but pretty close. Try to keep yourself busy until the baby comes. If you just sit around and wait then it will feel like forever even when it is only like a week or so. I can't wait to see you and baby S. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

40 days... and counting!

Hi Kim! I have 40 more days, until this little girl comes into our lives. (Hoping that she comes exactly on her due date, of course!) I thought I'd show how huge she's getting.

I look back on those other pictures I've posted and they make me laugh. Oh, if only I were that size again! Nothing sounds better than sleeping on my stomach!

Anyhow, are you coming to visit soon? Keep me posted!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

A trip

I just wanted to take a trip down memory lane. Remember these?

In case you were wondering. The first one is from the cabin we went to while in I.F. The second is Disneyland. I realized that the only pics I have of when we were in I.F. are those ones of the cabin. Do you have others? Anywho, I was just thinking about you and so I just wanted to post. Canada is pretty alright so far. I would love to talk with you though. You need to get skype so we can chat. Hurry up because I need my Misty fix :) Ok well let me know. I miss you. Loves

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Warm Lentil Salad

Ok Kim, here's the recipe...



  1. Bring 4 cups water to a boil. Add the lentils and 1 teaspoon salt and simmer, stirring occasionally, until tender, 20 to 25 minutes. Drain.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the vinegar, mustard, onion, parsley, 2 tablespoons of oil, and ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper.
  3. Add the lentils and arugula to the vinaigrette and toss to combine.
It's from Real Simple and they suggest serving it with Salmon... which we've done and it's delicious!

Let me know if you make it and how it turns out. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is it

This is the lotion I was telling you about for stretch marks.

It is called Palmers. I have seen it at Target but I am sure lots of places have it. They would for sure have it at a health food store like Whole Foods. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting bigger!!

I thought I'd post some pictures of my enlarging belly. It's funny because I thought I was getting HUGE and then I took this picture:

I think that was at 15 weeks.

I need to post a newer one because it's been about 3 weeks since this one.

Anyway, thanks for the advice on all the baby stuff. I am really considering cloth diapers. It doesn't seem like it would be that much different... except for doing more laundry. And I think we'd end up saving a lot of money.

You need to post some pictures of Baby Jane and let us see how darn cute she is!! I love how much she smiles. She is one happy baby!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Ok before I start, I was just looking at the pic that is at the top of the blog. I am as far along in that pic as you are now. How funny. So I am going to give you the links to some different diaper websites that Rachel gave me a long time ago.  The diapers that I bought from her are these
with these covers
The situation with these diapers is that if you have about 24 then you will have to wash them every other day. If you have 36-40 or so then every three days. Now you only need a couple of covers. I have three of the air flow ones and they are all I use. I love them. So only 3-4 covers is all you probably need. You can get liners if you want but most of what I have are just fleece squares that Rachel cut out of a piece of fabric.  The liners here are nice for night time when they will wear the diapers for longer periods of time.

So Rachel told me that she has a friend that has used just about every kind of diaper and really loves the all-in-one cloth diaper.
Here are some videos that show how to use them. They look cool and I might consider these.

There are a couple of other things that you will need along with all the diapers. First is a wet bag. Now you can get these in two sizes. I have 2 big ones and 2 small ones that I use. The small ones are for your diaper bag when you are out and about.

The last thing you will need is a mini shower. This hooks up to your toilet and you use it to spray the poopie diapers off.
Jeff and I have actually talked about putting a utility sink in our laundry room so that we could have warm water for some of them. But that is in the future.
Now when you look at all of this you might be overwhelmed with the cost. As I said before, if you price out disposables for 2 + years then you will end up spending less. I guarantee. Some people will argue with this but I really believe it. I really like using them. They are a little more work but so worth it. Well I think that is all. If you have any more questions just let me know. Also, there are a lot websites with cloth diapers if you just google it. You can also look on craigslist for them. If a person has only used them for one child then they will still last a couple of kids for you and would be worth it. Just an idea.

Monday, February 7, 2011


When we were talking at lunch I told you of some of the things that I thought were necessary with a baby. I just wanted to remind you of what those are. 

A Moby Wrap
These are so good to carry the baby around. You can even use them until the baby is like 35 pounds which is a long time.  You can buy these at a lot of different stores.

Next is an exercise ball
 The exercise ball seems weird but there is something about bouncing the baby on the ball rather than just standing. I think it has a much more fluid motion which they like. I will tell you, Jane never fusses when I try to put her to sleep bouncing on the ball.
Another things is a boppy.
I don't know who comes up with the names for these things. Seriously though this little pillow is so great. It is funny because my sister Amber was a nanny for a while and used one of these just to bottle feed the baby and such. She loved it and would use it even for reading or writing. She is funny like that. They also have lots of different covers and you can get them about anywhere.

So people will tell you that you need lots of different things. I tend to think that less is more. You don't want to clutter up the place with stuff that you won't even use very often. The only other thing that I have and like is a swing. Even still I don't really use it that much. I mostly use it when I am in the shower  but you baby may like it more and sleep it in it (I hear lots of babies do that but not mine). So if I think of anything else I will let you know. I know that I don't have much experience with the baby thing but these few things have been a God send for me. I will post later some diaper stuff. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


Two posts in one day. Can you believe it. I just love this video. This was taken over Christmas when we were in Texas. She had laughed a couple of times before this but today she thought I was really funny. I only caught the tale end of it. She had been laughing for like 5 min before this.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Birth as I know it

So I have been wanting to write about my birth for some time now. I just haven't taken the time. Most of this you already know but I just kind of wanted to have a record of it for myself. Then maybe I could print it off and put it in her baby book or something like that. I am going to start a little before the birth, or a lot before. Sorry this is going to be really long.

So I was born and then I grew up. I am just kidding. We started trying to get pregnant in the summer sometime of '09. I didn't really start tracking it until September and by Christmas I was pretty sure I was pregnant. It wasn't until New Years Eve that we took the test and it confirmed my suspicions. So you know that I have had some exposure to births and especially home birth. I wasn't for sure that was what I wanted to do but once I prayed I knew for sure. Jeff did as well and felt it was right but still had some reservations. There a couple of reasons why I decided to have my baby at home. The first was that I wanted my birth to be how I wanted it to be. Meaning that I didn't want anyone taking control of my birth or telling me I had to do certain things (which can happen in hospitals). Secondly, I wanted to be comfortable during my birth and the thought of a hospital room did not make me feel comfortable. I wanted to be familiar with my environment and be able to do go where I wanted. The last one is that I am young and healthy and there is not reason to believe that I would need intervention of any kind. I am really low risk and so was a perfect candidate for home birth.

As you know my due date was Aug. 29 but that day came and went with no signs of her coming. My sister Rachel was here waiting around and after a week overdue my mom arrived. We tried taking different herbs, taking walks every night and having sex. You know all the usual stuff but she wasn't ready to come. Maybe to be honest I should say that I wasn't really ready for her to come. I was scared and was struggling to accept that this was going to happen. I was working on these emotional aspects of the birth as well as we waited for her. I cried most every day during this period. I was just so frustrated and doing some emotional work also made me cry. A problem came up and that was that my midwife couldn't legally keep seeing me after 2 weeks overdue without a doc saying it was ok. The problem is that the doctor exam would have cost us $500+ out of pocket. That was not good. So we started praying more earnestly and doing some other things. Plus Rachel had already been here for two weeks and needed to go home and had a flight scheduled for 9/11 to go home. But there was not pressure at all :)
So finally on the night of 9/9-9/10 I was up every once in a while having come contractions. They were more than I had ever had before that I knew this must be something. I was able to sleep during the night but when the morning came I knew it was the day. I told Jeff to call into work. The contractions were still not really regular by about 10 am and so we decided to take a walk. As we did the contractions started coming on a little stronger. It was not the most pleasant walk I have every taken. We had to keep stopping for me to have a contraction. It was good, though because I wanted them to get more regular. It really wasn't until about noon or so that they were finally regular and had some strength to them. They were really too painful so I just tried to relax. We finally called my midwives around 2pm I think and they showed up around 3 or 4. So from here on out time becomes really blurry to me. I will just write what I remember in order but the actual time things are happening, I am not sure.

When my midwives showed up we set up the birthing tub. Oh my goodness, this was probably the best decision I made about my birth. The warm water made such a huge difference in the contractions. I would highly recommend it. I sat in that for a long time and just contracted. They were getting a lot more strong and regular. Jeff got in the tub with me at some point and was also rubbing my back and such, as most of my labor was in my lower back. Now I have to tell you something else here. Having a baby at home is different because my midwives didn't check to see how dilated or anything. They believe (and so do I) in as little intervention as possible. They would check her heartbeat every once in a while. So were continuing to progress or so I thought. I finally go to a place where I hit a plateau. My contractions were staying about the same and it has been a long time and I wasn't feeling the need to push yet. We decided that I would go and lay down on my bed for a bit to see if I could relax or maybe even sleep. They felt that I was getting too tired and I might not have the energy to push when needed. It was nice to lay down but my contractions did hurt a little more when I was out of the tub. I didn't know why I wasn't progressing more. I was starting to get a little frustrated.

My midwife came to me and asked why she thought I was progressing. "I don't know, I guess I may be a little scared still". She kept telling me that I just had to let it all go. I wasn't really sure what she meant but I hadn't cried or anything during the birth (which surprised me). It is like I was keeping all of my emotion in and thus keeping Jane in too. That may not make sense to you but that is how I felt. I couldn't just relax and let it all go. So my midwife suggested that I sit on the toilet for a minute with just Jeff in the bathroom. Before this time I had started feeling a little nauseated. Jeff and I sat in the bathroom and I was having contractions and being really frustrated ( Jeff says I apologized to him). Well it finally all came to a head and I threw up a lot. I couldn't believe it. I did feel better. It was sometime soon there after that I had the desire to push.

They finally checked me and I was still only dilated to an 8. So even though I needed to push I wouldn't have been able to get her out. So they were thinking that maybe her head was in a funky position and that was keeping her in. At this same time I started to have the desire to push. My midwives said that I should put my head on the ground and but in the air in hopes that she would move down and reposition. So I do it but I was also feeling like I needed to push and it hurt REALLY bad. One side note here on pushing. I could not believe how strong the desire was. I have never felt anything like that. So they were telling me not to really push but I honestly couldn't help it. Well the butt in the air thing wasn't too successful and so they thought I must have a cervical lip, which means my the cervix is caught up on something. So my midwife has to go in and manually remove the lip (using her finger) and she had to do it while I was contracting. Jeff said that was the worst part, I guess I really wailed. But when she did this I finished dilating and was able to start really pushing.

The pushing part is interesting because it doesn't really hurt too much it is just really uncomfortable. I got back in the tub and started to really give it my all. Well so I thought. Her head started coming out a little but she crowned for 45 minutes. It was funny because they kept telling me to reach down there and touch her head so I could see that she was coming. The problem is that, to me, it never felt that it was getting out any more. They kept checking her heart beat (which was annoying) but it never got too high. At one point they had me stand up and put one leg up kind of like a lunge to try and get her to come more. My perineum was just really not elastic. I think that I was still scared for her to come and I was fighting having her come out. It is funny because I often have this image flash in my head, it is of everyone surrounding the tub looking at me and cheering me on. I remember my mom crying somewhere around this time but she kept being really positive. Even though it was the middle of the night Mabel had woken up and was sitting on Rachel's lap watching me. I was so amazed that she didn't say a word but just sat there and watched. Her head finally made it out and with one more push the rest was out (this was about 3:30 am). They took and put her on my chest and she was struggling a little to breathe. My midwife gave her a breathe with her mouth and then told me to do the same and just kiss her and talk to her. Within a minute she was breathing fine. She did seem to have a lot of extra mucus in her mouth but they said that it wasn't uncommon for babies born in water.

I stepped out of the tub (large amounts of blood came out, scary but normal) and laid on a bed of sort they had made on the floor right next to it. I was still holding Jane and the midwife started massaging my belly to help the afterbirth come. This surprisingly hurt and I was thinking 'how could this hurt when I just delivered a baby'. So they asked me to try and stand up a little to help the afterbirth come and I just started to stand and PLOP it fell out. They checked it and it was all there so we made our way back to my bed. We laid on the bed and tried to get Jane to latch and nurse but she was struggling to do so. We finally cut the cord and I realized that I was burning in my vaginal area. They took a look at it and I had torn really badly. The tear was a labial tear which means I tore forward not back (although I did have a small perineal tear). They called another midwife who specialized in suturing and she agreed to come. While we were waiting for her the midwives weighed, measure and generally checked out Jane. The other midwife arrived around 5:30 or 6 am and I spent the next hour and a half getting sewn up. Jane would still not latch and only actually nursed once in the first 24 hrs of her life. My midwives came back over and suggested we get a nipple shield and Jeff gave her a blessing and she started to nurse fine. I was kind of scary for a bit and she cried so much that first day that she went kind of horse.

A couple of last notes. I know that this seems really bad or hard or whatever but you can't believe the feeling you have when they set that baby on you for the first time. There is nothing like it and all that stuff you just went through just seems to melt away. I have never felt such love in my life. I think that is one of the reasons why I still love having her lay and sleep on my chest (which she actually is right now). It is hard to really portray all of the feelings that were going on and still do. I am just so excited for you to experience these things. It is so amazing and I wouldn't take it back for anything.

I believe that I struggled so much with my birth is because of emotional things holding me back. I know that this is not a popular view and it is ok if people don't agree. I know this for myself. My own fears of the birth and becoming a mother stopped my progress in different points in the birth. I bottled up my emotions. Can you believe I didn't cry once during the birth? That is just ridiculous. I actually have cried a couple of time while I have been writing this. Sometimes I am a little slow but I eventually get there.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby Changes

Kim! I always have a hard time thinking of what to post, but I wanted to share with you that I can feel baby move now! It's the weirdest thing! It just feels like little bubbles or gas or something. It's super cool because it makes me realize that I really AM pregnant... I'm not just getting fat. :)

I can't wait to see you soon! Loves!