Monday, February 7, 2011


When we were talking at lunch I told you of some of the things that I thought were necessary with a baby. I just wanted to remind you of what those are. 

A Moby Wrap
These are so good to carry the baby around. You can even use them until the baby is like 35 pounds which is a long time.  You can buy these at a lot of different stores.

Next is an exercise ball
 The exercise ball seems weird but there is something about bouncing the baby on the ball rather than just standing. I think it has a much more fluid motion which they like. I will tell you, Jane never fusses when I try to put her to sleep bouncing on the ball.
Another things is a boppy.
I don't know who comes up with the names for these things. Seriously though this little pillow is so great. It is funny because my sister Amber was a nanny for a while and used one of these just to bottle feed the baby and such. She loved it and would use it even for reading or writing. She is funny like that. They also have lots of different covers and you can get them about anywhere.

So people will tell you that you need lots of different things. I tend to think that less is more. You don't want to clutter up the place with stuff that you won't even use very often. The only other thing that I have and like is a swing. Even still I don't really use it that much. I mostly use it when I am in the shower  but you baby may like it more and sleep it in it (I hear lots of babies do that but not mine). So if I think of anything else I will let you know. I know that I don't have much experience with the baby thing but these few things have been a God send for me. I will post later some diaper stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great advice, Kim! I really do like your advice that less is more... especially with a house our size. :) It was really fun seeing you and baby Jane. She's a sweet little girl, always smiling. I like her. :)
