Monday, May 11, 2009

Live Long and Prosper

I LOVED the movie we saw! I thought that the "imax" was kinda lame, but it was still super duper fun! I was sad today when I realized you probably left LV without even telling me bye. :( But I'll forgive you for 2 reasons... 1) You will someday be a mother and it is mother's day today 2) You are are a really great friend for coming to my graduation and then out to lunch with us. That was just so NICE of you!! Oh, I love the picture you posted on here. You are quick at that! That was less than 2 days ago. You're the best! Ok, I have to go to bed now. Since I have tons to do now that I have no job and no school, it's hard for me to stay up late anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS PICTURE! You look HOT! Please send me a copy so I can photo shop kims face and replace it with mine.:) SEriously great pic and CONGRATULATIONS!! Please blog about this very important event on your do it!
