Monday, August 31, 2009

I forgot

You know how when are haven't been around someone for a while and then you see them again and it is really fun to be around them. It is almost like you forgot how fun it was to hang out with them. I think that happened to me this weekend. I always knew we had good times but it isn't the same when you aren't together very often. Ya know what I mean. So here are some pictures of our time together. Well mostly of you and Rich. Ok all of you and Rich. It was fun to be around him again too. I think he might be a keeper :) I had a good flight home but am sad here all by myself. I wish that you were coming for Matt and Kim but it is ok, I guess.

Oh yeah and the more I think about those cupcakes the more I am disappointed with them. They really weren't that good. Now I have to find good cupcakes here to make up for it. I will let you know how it goes.


My mom just got a new puppy and he's just a little bundle full of energy! SO MUCH FUN!! Rocco and I were both so excited to play with the little guy!

Oh my gosh! He's just so darn cute!

I'm not the biggest fan of his name. It's Kalani Henry (?!?!??!). I tried to get mom to name him Kirby but since she didn't like that name for my dog, I had a fat chance of trying to get her to name her own dog that. But few things make me happier than playing with a new little puppy. (Except hanging out with you of course!)
How was your flight home by the way? It was so much fun seeing you. I loved that grapefruit cupcake. MMMM! Too bad we didn't take any pictures we could post on our blog... (hint, hint!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hello Again

Here are some pictures from my trip to Texas. The first one is when Pratt got a bee sting and Audrey said he should put mud on it. The one of me, Pratt actually took. It was good times. The last one is Mabel in San Antonio and Megan is pouring water on her. She loved it. I can show you more later but this is it for now.