Friday, June 18, 2010


Kim, so sorry it's taken me this long to give you the Oreo cookie recipe. So here you go...

(This picture is from some girl's blog because I haven't even taken a picture of mine... I think these look pretty close to how mine look, but you should take a picture and post it to compare.)

Oreo cookies: (recipe originally given to me by Robyn Bragger, who is coming to my house tonight for dinner!)
2 devils cake mixes
3/4 cups shortening
4 eggs
Mix these all together in a big bowl. I usually have to use my hands to mash it together good enough. I've burnt out pleanty of hand mixers trying to get it mixed. Then roll them into balls and place on a cookie sheet. Push them flat with a fork. Bake at 350 for 8-10 mins.

8 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup butter
1 lb powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
milk if needed
Sandwich these between two cool cookies. Enjoy!!!

p.s. I AM listening to Vampire Weekend as I write this. Oh, how I love them!!!!

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