Monday, August 23, 2010


You have known me long enough to know how much I love food. Even though some people think that I have a weird diet or don't eat so many things. It is just not true. I do love to eat so much. I have to say though, that I am officially sick of eating. Ok maybe it is not necessarily the eating as much of thinking of what to eat and preparing it. Food used to be so much fun but now it is so much of a chore. I still feel hungry all the time and they say it only gets worse when you are nursing. I really never thought that I would say this about food. It is like food and I are in a fight and there is no way that I can win. The other morning I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep because I was so hungry. You know that I am not complaining about being pregnant but I never thought that this would be one of the 'side effects' of being pregnant. I wish that you didn't have a job so that you could come and stay with me and make me all of my food for the next little while. I know that I will be back to my old self soon enough but for right now it is such an annoyance.

This weekend kind of made the eating situation worse. So just over a week ago, Jeff had what we are assuming was a gall bladder attack. I am not sure if he has stone or what. He ate at this really fatty/down home cookin place and that night he was in severe pain. So he decided that he was going to do a cleanse. He over heard Rachel talking about it once and so we got all we needed for it. Well it involved him only drinking this lemon juice stuff for three days and taking some herbs. So while I am having to eat every 2 hours, Jeff can only drink the lemon juice. I can't imagine how hard that would have been for him. He was a champion about it though and didn't really complain. Well until last night when he had to end the whole thing by drink a cup of olive oil. Yes one cup. So gross. He drank it though and says he feels better today. Hopefully it is all gone.

Well I suppose that is all for now. I am just waiting and waiting some more. My date is not till Sunday but Rachel is getting here on Friday. I keep telling myself that I can go any time after that but before she leaves a week later. We will see. I am excited to have her come out and see what she looks like and such. It is kind of sad that my life is so uneventful right now that I can write a whole blog about eating :)

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