Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Month

So my little one is now a month. Can you believe that? Time is going by so fast. We had our first trip to church the other day. It went well. She just slept the whole time. Here she is

My mom made that hat for her while she was here. Jane has been wearing it a lot lately. You want to know why? Not because it is getting colder, although it is. It is to cover up her sad little head.

Jeff keeps saying that I think that she isn't as cute anymore because of her male pattern baldness. I do think she is as cute as ever but I feel sad and don't want other people to not think she is cute. I am so vain but whatever. I think that I will post my birth story in the next little bit. Maybe people or you don't care but I think it might be good to write it out. Ya know? So are you taking charge of your fertility yet? I sure hope so. You need to get one of these little ones. They are seriously the best. It is amazing to be a mom. I never thought I would love it so much but I really do. It is such a crazy feeling to have this little thing that you just love so much and are responsible for at the same time. It can be scary, especially for me who doesn't like to have emotions :) I have never been much of a worrier but found that it comes with the territory. Hope you are doing well. Come and visit me soon. Oh wait I am coming there next week. We need to hang out.

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