Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I think I told you that Meg and I went to go see Chicago in NYC. Well we didn't have a ton of options because we went on Monday and that is the dark day for most plays. I wish we could have know because we could have gone to see this.  Do you recognize that person? It would have been awesome but....oh well. Although I don't love guys and dolls, remember.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Studying is the pits!!

Kim, I spent a long time today trying to study and it's killing me!! I am so overwhelmed by all this stuff I have to remember! My fingers are swollen from typing ALL FREAKING DAY! I saw some clients today and it ended up taking so long...

But on a positive note, I LOVE THE PICTURE YOU PUT ON OUR BLOG!!! It looks like me and Matt Costa are "besties". And that's almost as good as me and you being besties. How did you do that BTW? I'm still trying to learn all this blogging stuff. And I like the new color! Much funner!

Also, I am in love with a band called The Weakerthans. I got introduced to them, thanks to my Pandora channel. You should seriously check them out.

I LOVE riding my new bike. And I'm really excited for when I come visit you in Flagstaff because we are going to go on a super long ride, huh!! I am ready to try my bike on a country road for the first time. These city roads are not very scenic at all!

Ok, I'm going to veg out and watch Buffy until I fall asleep.

Bye for now!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Kim! You are the BEST! Your defense mechanism questions were a little tricksy. But here are my answers... I didn't look them up so I don't know for sure...
1. Regression
2. Projection
3. I have no idea. What the (bleep) is that??
4. Over Compensation
5. Denial
6. Psycho-somatic something?

How'd I do? Should I just skip the studying?

So, my comps are on the 3rd of April. But they are super early in the morning so I'm thinking that would be the PERFECT time for us to bike our little hearts out! I went for my first bike ride in the big city and it was a success! It got a little scary when the bike lane ended at the District and I had to ride in that CRAZY traffic... but I made it safe and sound. I'm super excited to go with you now... and I feel a little more prepared.

I think you should get a MAC. They are super trendy... just like you! Plus, who cares about expensive?? You are Jeff and crazy rich!! (so funny that you just told ALL our readers I'm sure we have some... that you are hormonal! I lol'd at that!) And they are apple and so is you ipods so they will be bff's. Just like us! (but not really because we are bff&e's and I don't know if electronic devices can have those?)

Well, I have to blog on my other site now...

Bye now!

ps- I added you as an admin. Have fun with it!! Just don't get all power crazy, k? This is a partnership. :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

I just don't know

What should I do Misty. I don't know what computer to get. I have really wanted to get a MAC but they are so expensive. Why am I wanting to get one anyway? What are my motivations? Couldn't I happy with a PC? I feel like I am having a crisis right now. It could be that I am a little hormonal right now, though.

I was so happy that we go to party this weekend but still soooooo sad about Matt and Kim and the stupid House of Blues. I will get over it eventually. Which means that you do need to come and visit me. I thought your test was the first weekend in April but you are talking to Danielle about coming here that weekend. I am not complaining because I want you to come anytime but I am just asking. It would be really fun to take our bike to Sedona. It is warmer there so I doesn't matter the weekend you come because it will always be better weather there.

Ok...practice question of the day. Now you can't look these up but just have to answer them from memory. Now I am taking you on your word for this :)

Name the defense mechanism.
1. When a person literally goes back to a previous stage of development.
2.When a person attributes thoughts or feelings that are unacceptable, to them, onto another person.
3. Converting an impulse from a socially objectionable desire to one that is socially acceptable. This is done while still maintaining the original goal of the impulse.
4.When a person tries to make up for attributes that they feel that they lack.
5. Not accepting or negating importance aspects of one's experience or reality that actually took place.
6.When impulses or conflicts are manifest with physical symptoms.

Well I think that is enough for now. I will think of more soon. Let me know your answers. Thanks for playing. Have a great day. Oh and make me an administrator on here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Two in one day???

I know I already posted today, but I just wanted to say that I LOVED these posts from PostSecret. They both tell an unexpected, but positive, outcome in the lives of these women.

I like this one becauase it shows the human ability to forgive and overcome.

Ok, bye now.


Kim, I am getting some extra money back from my taxes and after I get a bicycle, I'm thinking about getting a vespa. Do you have any advice? Brandon thinks I should get a sidecar for him. SO FUNNY!