Sunday, March 29, 2009

Studying is the pits!!

Kim, I spent a long time today trying to study and it's killing me!! I am so overwhelmed by all this stuff I have to remember! My fingers are swollen from typing ALL FREAKING DAY! I saw some clients today and it ended up taking so long...

But on a positive note, I LOVE THE PICTURE YOU PUT ON OUR BLOG!!! It looks like me and Matt Costa are "besties". And that's almost as good as me and you being besties. How did you do that BTW? I'm still trying to learn all this blogging stuff. And I like the new color! Much funner!

Also, I am in love with a band called The Weakerthans. I got introduced to them, thanks to my Pandora channel. You should seriously check them out.

I LOVE riding my new bike. And I'm really excited for when I come visit you in Flagstaff because we are going to go on a super long ride, huh!! I am ready to try my bike on a country road for the first time. These city roads are not very scenic at all!

Ok, I'm going to veg out and watch Buffy until I fall asleep.

Bye for now!

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