Thursday, March 19, 2009


Kim! You are the BEST! Your defense mechanism questions were a little tricksy. But here are my answers... I didn't look them up so I don't know for sure...
1. Regression
2. Projection
3. I have no idea. What the (bleep) is that??
4. Over Compensation
5. Denial
6. Psycho-somatic something?

How'd I do? Should I just skip the studying?

So, my comps are on the 3rd of April. But they are super early in the morning so I'm thinking that would be the PERFECT time for us to bike our little hearts out! I went for my first bike ride in the big city and it was a success! It got a little scary when the bike lane ended at the District and I had to ride in that CRAZY traffic... but I made it safe and sound. I'm super excited to go with you now... and I feel a little more prepared.

I think you should get a MAC. They are super trendy... just like you! Plus, who cares about expensive?? You are Jeff and crazy rich!! (so funny that you just told ALL our readers I'm sure we have some... that you are hormonal! I lol'd at that!) And they are apple and so is you ipods so they will be bff's. Just like us! (but not really because we are bff&e's and I don't know if electronic devices can have those?)

Well, I have to blog on my other site now...

Bye now!

ps- I added you as an admin. Have fun with it!! Just don't get all power crazy, k? This is a partnership. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Misty! You got 5 of the 6 right and that is passing :) 3 is Sublimation. What the crap is that anyway. 6 is somatization but I gave it to you since you were so close. Ok well I will have more questions soon.
    The test is all day so I don't think you could make it out here to bike. What are you smoking?
